(function() { /* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ function defineCommonExtensionSymbols(apiPrivate) { if (!apiPrivate.audits) apiPrivate.audits = {}; apiPrivate.audits.Severity = { Info: "info", Warning: "warning", Severe: "severe" }; if (!apiPrivate.console) apiPrivate.console = {}; apiPrivate.console.Severity = { Tip: "tip", Debug: "debug", Log: "log", Warning: "warning", Error: "error" }; if (!apiPrivate.panels) apiPrivate.panels = {}; apiPrivate.panels.SearchAction = { CancelSearch: "cancelSearch", PerformSearch: "performSearch", NextSearchResult: "nextSearchResult", PreviousSearchResult: "previousSearchResult" }; apiPrivate.Events = { AuditStarted: "audit-started-", ButtonClicked: "button-clicked-", ConsoleMessageAdded: "console-message-added", ElementsPanelObjectSelected: "panel-objectSelected-elements", NetworkRequestFinished: "network-request-finished", Reset: "reset", OpenResource: "open-resource", PanelSearch: "panel-search-", Reload: "Reload", ResourceAdded: "resource-added", ResourceContentCommitted: "resource-content-committed", TimelineEventRecorded: "timeline-event-recorded", ViewShown: "view-shown-", ViewHidden: "view-hidden-" }; apiPrivate.Commands = { AddAuditCategory: "addAuditCategory", AddAuditResult: "addAuditResult", AddConsoleMessage: "addConsoleMessage", AddRequestHeaders: "addRequestHeaders", CreatePanel: "createPanel", CreateSidebarPane: "createSidebarPane", CreateStatusBarButton: "createStatusBarButton", EvaluateOnInspectedPage: "evaluateOnInspectedPage", GetConsoleMessages: "getConsoleMessages", GetHAR: "getHAR", GetPageResources: "getPageResources", GetRequestContent: "getRequestContent", GetResourceContent: "getResourceContent", Subscribe: "subscribe", SetOpenResourceHandler: "setOpenResourceHandler", SetResourceContent: "setResourceContent", SetSidebarContent: "setSidebarContent", SetSidebarHeight: "setSidebarHeight", SetSidebarPage: "setSidebarPage", ShowPanel: "showPanel", StopAuditCategoryRun: "stopAuditCategoryRun", Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe", UpdateAuditProgress: "updateAuditProgress", UpdateButton: "updateButton", InspectedURLChanged: "inspectedURLChanged" }; } function injectedExtensionAPI(injectedScriptId) { var apiPrivate = {}; defineCommonExtensionSymbols(apiPrivate); var commands = apiPrivate.Commands; var events = apiPrivate.Events; var userAction = false; // Here and below, all constructors are private to API implementation. // For a public type Foo, if internal fields are present, these are on // a private FooImpl type, an instance of FooImpl is used in a closure // by Foo consutrctor to re-bind publicly exported members to an instance // of Foo. /** * @constructor */ function EventSinkImpl(type, customDispatch) { this._type = type; this._listeners = []; this._customDispatch = customDispatch; } EventSinkImpl.prototype = { addListener: function(callback) { if (typeof callback !== "function") throw "addListener: callback is not a function"; if (this._listeners.length === 0) extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.Subscribe, type: this._type }); this._listeners.push(callback); extensionServer.registerHandler("notify-" + this._type, this._dispatch.bind(this)); }, removeListener: function(callback) { var listeners = this._listeners; for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) { if (listeners[i] === callback) { listeners.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (this._listeners.length === 0) extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.Unsubscribe, type: this._type }); }, _fire: function() { var listeners = this._listeners.slice(); for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) listeners[i].apply(null, arguments); }, _dispatch: function(request) { if (this._customDispatch) this._customDispatch.call(this, request); else this._fire.apply(this, request.arguments); } } /** * @constructor */ function InspectorExtensionAPI() { this.audits = new Audits(); this.inspectedWindow = new InspectedWindow(); this.panels = new Panels(); this.network = new Network(); defineDeprecatedProperty(this, "webInspector", "resources", "network"); this.timeline = new Timeline(); this.console = new ConsoleAPI(); this.onReset = new EventSink(events.Reset); } /** * @constructor */ InspectorExtensionAPI.prototype = { log: function(message) { extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.Log, message: message }); } } /** * @constructor */ function ConsoleAPI() { this.onMessageAdded = new EventSink(events.ConsoleMessageAdded); } ConsoleAPI.prototype = { getMessages: function(callback) { extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.GetConsoleMessages }, callback); }, addMessage: function(severity, text, url, line) { extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.AddConsoleMessage, severity: severity, text: text, url: url, line: line }); }, get Severity() { return apiPrivate.console.Severity; } } /** * @constructor */ function Network() { function dispatchRequestEvent(message) { var request = message.arguments[1]; request.__proto__ = new Request(message.arguments[0]); this._fire(request); } this.onRequestFinished = new EventSink(events.NetworkRequestFinished, dispatchRequestEvent); defineDeprecatedProperty(this, "network", "onFinished", "onRequestFinished"); this.onNavigated = new EventSink(events.InspectedURLChanged); } Network.prototype = { getHAR: function(callback) { function callbackWrapper(result) { var entries = (result && result.entries) || []; for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { entries[i].__proto__ = new Request(entries[i]._requestId); delete entries[i]._requestId; } callback(result); } return extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.GetHAR }, callback && callbackWrapper); }, addRequestHeaders: function(headers) { return extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.AddRequestHeaders, headers: headers, extensionId: window.location.hostname }); } } /** * @constructor */ function RequestImpl(id) { this._id = id; } RequestImpl.prototype = { getContent: function(callback) { function callbackWrapper(response) { callback(response.content, response.encoding); } extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.GetRequestContent, id: this._id }, callback && callbackWrapper); } } /** * @constructor */ function Panels() { var panels = { elements: new ElementsPanel() }; function panelGetter(name) { return panels[name]; } for (var panel in panels) this.__defineGetter__(panel, panelGetter.bind(null, panel)); } Panels.prototype = { create: function(title, icon, page, callback) { var id = "extension-panel-" + extensionServer.nextObjectId(); var request = { command: commands.CreatePanel, id: id, title: title, icon: icon, page: page }; extensionServer.sendRequest(request, callback && callback.bind(this, new ExtensionPanel(id))); }, setOpenResourceHandler: function(callback) { var hadHandler = extensionServer.hasHandler(events.OpenResource); if (!callback) extensionServer.unregisterHandler(events.OpenResource); else { function callbackWrapper(message) { // Allow the panel to show itself when handling the event. userAction = true; try { callback.call(null, new Resource(message.resource), message.lineNumber); } finally { userAction = false; } } extensionServer.registerHandler(events.OpenResource, callbackWrapper); } // Only send command if we either removed an existing handler or added handler and had none before. if (hadHandler === !callback) extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.SetOpenResourceHandler, "handlerPresent": !!callback }); }, get SearchAction() { return apiPrivate.panels.SearchAction; } } /** * @constructor */ function ExtensionViewImpl(id) { this._id = id; function dispatchShowEvent(message) { var frameIndex = message.arguments[0]; this._fire(window.parent.frames[frameIndex]); } this.onShown = new EventSink(events.ViewShown + id, dispatchShowEvent); this.onHidden = new EventSink(events.ViewHidden + id); } /** * @constructor */ function PanelWithSidebarImpl(id) { this._id = id; } PanelWithSidebarImpl.prototype = { createSidebarPane: function(title, callback) { var id = "extension-sidebar-" + extensionServer.nextObjectId(); var request = { command: commands.CreateSidebarPane, panel: this._id, id: id, title: title }; function callbackWrapper() { callback(new ExtensionSidebarPane(id)); } extensionServer.sendRequest(request, callback && callbackWrapper); }, __proto__: ExtensionViewImpl.prototype } /** * @constructor * @extends {PanelWithSidebar} */ function ElementsPanel() { var id = "elements"; PanelWithSidebar.call(this, id); this.onSelectionChanged = new EventSink(events.ElementsPanelObjectSelected); } /** * @constructor * @extends {ExtensionViewImpl} */ function ExtensionPanelImpl(id) { ExtensionViewImpl.call(this, id); this.onSearch = new EventSink(events.PanelSearch + id); } ExtensionPanelImpl.prototype = { createStatusBarButton: function(iconPath, tooltipText, disabled) { var id = "button-" + extensionServer.nextObjectId(); var request = { command: commands.CreateStatusBarButton, panel: this._id, id: id, icon: iconPath, tooltip: tooltipText, disabled: !!disabled }; extensionServer.sendRequest(request); return new Button(id); }, show: function() { if (!userAction) return; var request = { command: commands.ShowPanel, id: this._id }; extensionServer.sendRequest(request); }, __proto__: ExtensionViewImpl.prototype } /** * @constructor * @extends {ExtensionViewImpl} */ function ExtensionSidebarPaneImpl(id) { ExtensionViewImpl.call(this, id); } ExtensionSidebarPaneImpl.prototype = { setHeight: function(height) { extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.SetSidebarHeight, id: this._id, height: height }); }, setExpression: function(expression, rootTitle, evaluateOptions) { var callback = extractCallbackArgument(arguments); var request = { command: commands.SetSidebarContent, id: this._id, expression: expression, rootTitle: rootTitle, evaluateOnPage: true, }; if (typeof evaluateOptions === "object") request.evaluateOptions = evaluateOptions; extensionServer.sendRequest(request, callback); }, setObject: function(jsonObject, rootTitle, callback) { extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.SetSidebarContent, id: this._id, expression: jsonObject, rootTitle: rootTitle }, callback); }, setPage: function(page) { extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.SetSidebarPage, id: this._id, page: page }); } } /** * @constructor */ function ButtonImpl(id) { this._id = id; this.onClicked = new EventSink(events.ButtonClicked + id); } ButtonImpl.prototype = { update: function(iconPath, tooltipText, disabled) { var request = { command: commands.UpdateButton, id: this._id, icon: iconPath, tooltip: tooltipText, disabled: !!disabled }; extensionServer.sendRequest(request); } }; /** * @constructor */ function Audits() { } Audits.prototype = { addCategory: function(displayName, resultCount) { var id = "extension-audit-category-" + extensionServer.nextObjectId(); if (typeof resultCount !== "undefined") console.warn("Passing resultCount to audits.addCategory() is deprecated. Use AuditResult.updateProgress() instead."); extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.AddAuditCategory, id: id, displayName: displayName, resultCount: resultCount }); return new AuditCategory(id); } } /** * @constructor */ function AuditCategoryImpl(id) { function dispatchAuditEvent(request) { var auditResult = new AuditResult(request.arguments[0]); try { this._fire(auditResult); } catch (e) { console.error("Uncaught exception in extension audit event handler: " + e); auditResult.done(); } } this._id = id; this.onAuditStarted = new EventSink(events.AuditStarted + id, dispatchAuditEvent); } /** * @constructor */ function AuditResultImpl(id) { this._id = id; this.createURL = this._nodeFactory.bind(null, "url"); this.createSnippet = this._nodeFactory.bind(null, "snippet"); this.createText = this._nodeFactory.bind(null, "text"); this.createObject = this._nodeFactory.bind(null, "object"); this.createNode = this._nodeFactory.bind(null, "node"); } AuditResultImpl.prototype = { addResult: function(displayName, description, severity, details) { // shorthand for specifying details directly in addResult(). if (details && !(details instanceof AuditResultNode)) details = new AuditResultNode(details instanceof Array ? details : [details]); var request = { command: commands.AddAuditResult, resultId: this._id, displayName: displayName, description: description, severity: severity, details: details }; extensionServer.sendRequest(request); }, createResult: function() { return new AuditResultNode(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); }, updateProgress: function(worked, totalWork) { extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.UpdateAuditProgress, resultId: this._id, progress: worked / totalWork }); }, done: function() { extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.StopAuditCategoryRun, resultId: this._id }); }, get Severity() { return apiPrivate.audits.Severity; }, createResourceLink: function(url, lineNumber) { return { type: "resourceLink", arguments: [url, lineNumber && lineNumber - 1] }; }, _nodeFactory: function(type) { return { type: type, arguments: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) }; } } /** * @constructor */ function AuditResultNode(contents) { this.contents = contents; this.children = []; this.expanded = false; } AuditResultNode.prototype = { addChild: function() { var node = new AuditResultNode(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); this.children.push(node); return node; } }; /** * @constructor */ function InspectedWindow() { function dispatchResourceEvent(message) { this._fire(new Resource(message.arguments[0])); } function dispatchResourceContentEvent(message) { this._fire(new Resource(message.arguments[0]), message.arguments[1]); } this.onResourceAdded = new EventSink(events.ResourceAdded, dispatchResourceEvent); this.onResourceContentCommitted = new EventSink(events.ResourceContentCommitted, dispatchResourceContentEvent); } InspectedWindow.prototype = { reload: function(optionsOrUserAgent) { var options = null; if (typeof optionsOrUserAgent === "object") options = optionsOrUserAgent; else if (typeof optionsOrUserAgent === "string") { options = { userAgent: optionsOrUserAgent }; console.warn("Passing userAgent as string parameter to inspectedWindow.reload() is deprecated. " + "Use inspectedWindow.reload({ userAgent: value}) instead."); } return extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.Reload, options: options }); }, eval: function(expression, evaluateOptions) { var callback = extractCallbackArgument(arguments); function callbackWrapper(result) { callback(result.value, result.isException); } var request = { command: commands.EvaluateOnInspectedPage, expression: expression }; if (typeof evaluateOptions === "object") request.evaluateOptions = evaluateOptions; return extensionServer.sendRequest(request, callback && callbackWrapper); }, getResources: function(callback) { function wrapResource(resourceData) { return new Resource(resourceData); } function callbackWrapper(resources) { callback(resources.map(wrapResource)); } return extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.GetPageResources }, callback && callbackWrapper); } } /** * @constructor */ function ResourceImpl(resourceData) { this._url = resourceData.url this._type = resourceData.type; } ResourceImpl.prototype = { get url() { return this._url; }, get type() { return this._type; }, getContent: function(callback) { function callbackWrapper(response) { callback(response.content, response.encoding); } return extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.GetResourceContent, url: this._url }, callback && callbackWrapper); }, setContent: function(content, commit, callback) { return extensionServer.sendRequest({ command: commands.SetResourceContent, url: this._url, content: content, commit: commit }, callback); } } /** * @constructor */ function TimelineImpl() { this.onEventRecorded = new EventSink(events.TimelineEventRecorded); } /** * @constructor */ function ExtensionServerClient() { this._callbacks = {}; this._handlers = {}; this._lastRequestId = 0; this._lastObjectId = 0; this.registerHandler("callback", this._onCallback.bind(this)); var channel = new MessageChannel(); this._port = channel.port1; this._port.addEventListener("message", this._onMessage.bind(this), false); this._port.start(); window.parent.postMessage("registerExtension", [ channel.port2 ], "*"); } ExtensionServerClient.prototype = { /** * @param {function()=} callback */ sendRequest: function(message, callback) { if (typeof callback === "function") message.requestId = this._registerCallback(callback); return this._port.postMessage(message); }, hasHandler: function(command) { return !!this._handlers[command]; }, registerHandler: function(command, handler) { this._handlers[command] = handler; }, unregisterHandler: function(command) { delete this._handlers[command]; }, nextObjectId: function() { return injectedScriptId + "_" + ++this._lastObjectId; }, _registerCallback: function(callback) { var id = ++this._lastRequestId; this._callbacks[id] = callback; return id; }, _onCallback: function(request) { if (request.requestId in this._callbacks) { var callback = this._callbacks[request.requestId]; delete this._callbacks[request.requestId]; callback(request.result); } }, _onMessage: function(event) { var request = event.data; var handler = this._handlers[request.command]; if (handler) handler.call(this, request); } } function populateInterfaceClass(interface, implementation) { for (var member in implementation) { if (member.charAt(0) === "_") continue; var descriptor = null; // Traverse prototype chain until we find the owner. for (var owner = implementation; owner && !descriptor; owner = owner.__proto__) descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, member); if (!descriptor) continue; if (typeof descriptor.value === "function") interface[member] = descriptor.value.bind(implementation); else if (typeof descriptor.get === "function") interface.__defineGetter__(member, descriptor.get.bind(implementation)); else Object.defineProperty(interface, member, descriptor); } } function declareInterfaceClass(implConstructor) { return function() { var impl = { __proto__: implConstructor.prototype }; implConstructor.apply(impl, arguments); populateInterfaceClass(this, impl); } } function defineDeprecatedProperty(object, className, oldName, newName) { var warningGiven = false; function getter() { if (!warningGiven) { console.warn(className + "." + oldName + " is deprecated. Use " + className + "." + newName + " instead"); warningGiven = true; } return object[newName]; } object.__defineGetter__(oldName, getter); } function extractCallbackArgument(args) { var lastArgument = args[args.length - 1]; return typeof lastArgument === "function" ? lastArgument : undefined; } var AuditCategory = declareInterfaceClass(AuditCategoryImpl); var AuditResult = declareInterfaceClass(AuditResultImpl); var Button = declareInterfaceClass(ButtonImpl); var EventSink = declareInterfaceClass(EventSinkImpl); var ExtensionPanel = declareInterfaceClass(ExtensionPanelImpl); var ExtensionSidebarPane = declareInterfaceClass(ExtensionSidebarPaneImpl); var PanelWithSidebar = declareInterfaceClass(PanelWithSidebarImpl); var Request = declareInterfaceClass(RequestImpl); var Resource = declareInterfaceClass(ResourceImpl); var Timeline = declareInterfaceClass(TimelineImpl); var extensionServer = new ExtensionServerClient(); return new InspectorExtensionAPI(); } // Default implementation; platforms will override. function buildPlatformExtensionAPI(extensionInfo) { function platformExtensionAPI(coreAPI) { window.webInspector = coreAPI; } return platformExtensionAPI.toString(); } function buildExtensionAPIInjectedScript(extensionInfo) { return "(function(injectedScriptHost, inspectedWindow, injectedScriptId){ " + defineCommonExtensionSymbols.toString() + ";" + injectedExtensionAPI.toString() + ";" + buildPlatformExtensionAPI(extensionInfo) + ";" + "platformExtensionAPI(injectedExtensionAPI(injectedScriptId));" + "return {};" + "})"; } /* * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ function platformExtensionAPI(coreAPI) { function getTabId() { return tabId; } chrome = window.chrome || {}; // Override chrome.devtools as a workaround for a error-throwing getter being exposed // in extension pages loaded into a non-extension process (only happens for remote client // extensions) var devtools_descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(chrome, "devtools"); if (!devtools_descriptor || devtools_descriptor.get) Object.defineProperty(chrome, "devtools", { value: {}, enumerable: true }); // Only expose tabId on chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow, not webInspector.inspectedWindow. chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow = {}; chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.__defineGetter__("tabId", getTabId); chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.__proto__ = coreAPI.inspectedWindow; chrome.devtools.network = coreAPI.network; chrome.devtools.panels = coreAPI.panels; // default to expose experimental APIs for now. if (extensionInfo.exposeExperimentalAPIs !== false) { chrome.experimental = chrome.experimental || {}; chrome.experimental.devtools = chrome.experimental.devtools || {}; var properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(coreAPI); for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) { var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(coreAPI, properties[i]); Object.defineProperty(chrome.experimental.devtools, properties[i], descriptor); } chrome.experimental.devtools.inspectedWindow = chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow; } if (extensionInfo.exposeWebInspectorNamespace) window.webInspector = coreAPI; } var tabId; var extensionInfo = {}; platformExtensionAPI(injectedExtensionAPI("remote-" + window.parent.frames.length)); })();